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Ad Multos Annos, Fr. Groeschel!

With a H/T to AmP, a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s ordination to the priesthood of Jesus Christ:

He was, without a doubt, a tremendous influence on me as I went through the RCIA process lo those many years ago.  I found him, repeatedly, not quite fitting into the box in which I wanted to put him.  He taught  me then, as I continue to learn now, that there is the way of the left, the way of the right and then there is God’s way.  It was, quite simply, something I wasn’t entirely ready to learn at that time and even now struggle with.  His honesty, humility and tenacity are qualities I can only hope to emulate in some small way.  May the Lord bless you Fr. Groeschel, and us, with many more years of service in his vineyard.

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