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Two from the Fire

Jean from Catholic Fire, as my kids would say, “rocks!” Here are two important efforts we have the opportunity to support.


The ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event is scheduled to take place in the U.S.A. on Saturday, May 3rd, 2008. Participants will pray the Rosary within the same hour for an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn babies. The Rosary may be prayed at a Catholic Church, at one’s home, etc. The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization, located in Memphis, Tennessee, is coordinating this nationwide prayer event. To learn more about this prayer event, including how to register as a participant, go here.

And second:

I am inviting all my readers, wherever you live, to join in the novena from your churches and your homes. Please encourage other Catholics to participate in this Novena. While the abortion industry is being investigated by two Grand Juries, we must pray for an end to abortion. The details are below for those in the Wichita area. However, any Catholic can join us in this Novena. The intention is “To End Abortion at Tiller’s Now . . . & Abortion in Wichita Forever.” It’s easy: Just say the Rosary for the 9 days from March 7 to March 15th. If possible spend an hour each day praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Offer the Stations of the Cross for this intention.

Looks like it’s high time to start wearing out those rosaries, folks.

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