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Getting it

In the latest of her multi-directional missives, Amy gets to the real heart of the issue in her conclusion:

Saints are those who get this: who understand that they are loved, treasured and forgiven by God, but who are not satisfied with where they are either, who are willing to look, every day at their lives and choices, and go deeper and deeper, towards more and more freedom and more radical love of God and those whom God loves – which is, you know, everyone.

Saints are restless. They don’t sit still. They are not complacent and self-satisfied, assuring themselves that it’s all really complex and they’re doing their best, after all. What more does God want from me, anyway?

What must I do to inherit eternal life?

It is complex. And we do think we are doing our best. I ask, however – so what? Jesus did not tell us to analyze the complexities of the moral issues or reassure ourselves of our good intentions. He told us that “You, therefore, must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).

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