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The big surprise of the day…

…Cardinal Pell doing something intelligent. From CWN:

Sydney, Jun. 4, 2007 (CWNews.com) – Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, Australia, is planning to ask Catholic-school principals to make a profession of faith, according to reports in the Australian secular media.

The call for a profession of faith is one aspect of a far-ranging pastoral plan for the Sydney archdiocese that Cardinal Pell has circulated for comments.

The principals of Catholic schools would be asked to accept a “religious submission of intellect and will” to the teachings of the Church. That phrase is taken from the Vatican II Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, and refers to the assent that is expected of all faithful Catholics.

The world needs more Bishops with backbone. I suppose the interesting question is precisely how he intends to enforce request – one hopes at the very least it has more success than Ex Corde Ecclesiae has in cleaning up Catholic colleges. I, for one, haven’t seen or heard of any problems with the school my kids are in, but I’m sure there are some out there that could use some, er, cleaning. Something to keep an eye on…

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