by frival
on November 5, 2008
Today we pray for all Women and Men Religious. In particular we pray for the orders serving throughout this Diocese, including the Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites, Daughters of Charity, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate.
May their example help others to grow in holiness, and may they be continually renewed in their vocation. May Mary draw them to her and in so doing draw them closer to her Son.
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by frival
on November 5, 2008
Priests for Life is hosting a pro-life concall tonight to discuss where to go in the aftermath of yesterday’s election.
Leaders comprising the panel will include representatives of various facets of the movement:
- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life
- Janet Morana, Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign
- David Bereit, National Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life
- Joe Scheidler National Director of the Pro-Life Action League
- Brad Mattes, Executive Director of Life Issues Institute
- Peggy Hartshorn, President of Heartbeat International
- Dan McConchie Vice-President and Executive Director of Americans United for Life
- Bryan Kemper, President of Stand True
- Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director of Students For Life Of America
- Michael Schwartz, Chief of Staff, Senator Tom Coburn
- Matt Lockett, Bound4Life
For more information see their page at
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by frival
on November 5, 2008
Today we pray for Rev. Maurice Lampron and Very Rev. Frederick Pennett Jr VF.
Fr. Lampron was ordained in 1963 and is currently retired.
Fr. Pennett was ordained in 1971 and is currently pastor of St. Anne’s Parish in Hampstead.
May they grow in love for the Lord and His Church each and every day. May Mary take them by the hand and lead them on the path to her Son.
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by frival
on November 4, 2008
See that beautiful header image up there? Yeah, that one. Gorgeous, if I say so myself. Hand-crafted with care by the masterful artisan Argent of Argent by the Tiber and Here There Are Lions fame. Argent, non sub dignus.
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by frival
on November 3, 2008
Today we pray for Rev. Richard Wegman and Rev. Ronald Montpaisir.
Fr. Wegman was ordained in 1990 and is currently retired, having served, inter alia, as associate of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Hampton.
Fr. Montplaisir was ordained in 1940 and is currently retired, having served inter alia, as pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Auburn.
May they in their retirement find new ways to live out the vocation to which Christ has called them and continue to grow in conformity to Him in whose person they acted so many times. May Mary draw them to her Immaculate Heart and show them the way to her Son.
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by frival
on November 2, 2008
Today we pray for the Bishop of Rome; the Servant of the Servants of God; the Vicar of Christ; Successor Of St. Peter, Prince Of The Apostles; Supreme Pontiff Of The Universal Church; Primate Of Italy; Archbishop And Metropolitan Of The Roman Province; Sovereign Of Vatican City State; His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
It is a great blessing for the Church to have such a holy pope and our duty and delight to pray for him. May he help lead us all closer to Christ, and may he always steer the Bark of Peter straight and true. Sweet Mother Mary, watch over him, protect him from those who would wish him ill, strengthen him in his office and draw him ever closer to your Son.
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by frival
on November 2, 2008
General Intention: That the testimony of love offered by the Saints may fortify Christians in their devotion to God and their neighbor, imitating Christ who came to serve and not to be served.
Mission Intention: That the Christian communities of Asia, contemplating the face of Christ, may know how to find the most suitable ways to announce him, in full faithfulness to the Gospel, to the peoples of that vast continent so rich in culture and ancient forms of spirituality.
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by frival
on November 1, 2008
Today we pray for all deceased priests and religious.
In their lives on earth the prayed for us, consoled us, brought us the sacraments. Let us now in their deaths pray for them that they might behold the Beatific Vision forever.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
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by frival
on November 1, 2008
In honor of Mary. Mater Misericordiae, ora pro nobis!
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by frival
on October 31, 2008
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