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Deacons of the day 11/27

Today we pray for Rev. Deacon David Costello and Rev. Deacon James Rock.

Deacon Costello was ordained in 1983 and serves St. Joseph’s Parish in Salem.

Deacon Rock was ordained in 1980 and serves St. Peter’s Parish and Sacred Heart Parish in Concord.

Lord help them, through the example of St. Stephen, to be examples of loving service to Your Church and the world.  May Mary care for them in all they do and intercede for them, drawing them ever closer to her Son.


Priests of the day 11/26

Today we pray for Rev. Leo Maxfield MS and Rev. Michael McCormack OP.

Fr. Maxfield serves as a member of the pastoral staff at the La Salette Shrine in Enfield.

Fr. McCormack was ordained in 1987 and now serves as Chaplain for Aquinas House in Hanover.

Lord help them in their service to your Church, in their pastoral outreach to those in need and in their own growth in their vocation.  Mother Mary watch over them, shelter them from the storms of this world and draw them ever closer to your Immaculate Heart that they may always grow closer to your Son’s Sacred Heart.


Bishop McCormack’s Thanksgiving Message

Bishop McCormack has posted his Thanksgiving message for this year; it would behoove any New Hampshire Catholic to read it in full:

Although grateful for all the blessings that come to us through family and friends – and sometimes even a stranger – we know that it is God who ultimately is the giver of all good gifts.  He is the source of all goodness.  To be grateful to Him is the best gift we can receive.  What is better than a grateful heart?


Prayer of the day 11/25

Today we pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, both for the Diocese of Manchester and for the Church Universal.

Lord Jesus hear the prayer of your people, grant us a growing crop of men and women open to your call to the priesthood and religious life, to serve at your altars, in your houses of prayer and in apostolates the world over.  Lord, grant that only will they be called but that they will have the willingness and strength to hear your call and follow it wherever it may lead.  Sweet mother Mary, mother of all priests and example of all contemplatives, be with these men and women your Son has called and lead them into ever closer conformity to your Son.


In The Catholic Spirit, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt has proposed “a total re-catechesis for the sacrament of penance” in an article here.  He suggests this will be an ongoing series – keep a watch out for follow-up posts to this excellent beginning.



Priests of the day 11/24

Today we pray for Rev. Msgr. Donald Gilbert and Rev. Thomas Keenan.

Msgr. Gilbert was ordained in 1968 and currently serves as the Judicial Vicar pro tem.

Fr. Keenan was ordained in 1955 and is currently retired.

Lord, guide them in their work and be with them in their rest, help them always to grow in love for you and your Church.  Mary, watch over them, take them by the hand and lead them to your Son.


Bishop of the day 11/23

Today we pray for Bishop Odore Gendron, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Manchester.

He was ordained to the priesthood in 1947 and ordained to the episcopate in 1975.  He retired as Bishop of the Diocese in 1990.

Lord Jesus, King eternal, grant this your servant a retirement filled with service to your Gospel, drawing always new souls to you who are the Good News.  Mother Mary, watch over him and lead him ever closer to your Son.


Deacons of the day 11/22

Today we pray for Rev. Deacon John Ross and Rev. Deacon Richard Cloutier.

Deacon Ross was ordained in 2002 and serves St. Patrick’s Parish in Pelham.

Deacon Cloutier was ordained in 1980 and is now retired.

May their ordination to service be ever directed to Him in whose name we live and move and have our being.  May Mary in her great humility show them ever new ways to serve everyone around them for love of God and draw them ever closer to her Son.


With the voting over the praying must begin anew

Don’t let the Rocky music stop you:


H/T to Servant and Steward.


Priests of the day 11/21

Today we pray for Msgr. Joseph Desmond and Rev. Marc Gagne.

Msgr. Desmond was ordained in 1947 and is now retired.

Fr. Gagne was ordained in 1985 and is pastor of St. Charles Borromeo’s Parish and St. Joseph’s Parish in Dover.

Lord watch over these men, your humble servants, and help them in their ministries to the one flock as allow you, the one true Shepherd, to act through them.  Mother Mary, watch over them and guide them; lead them ever closer to your Son.