by frival
on December 15, 2008
Today we pray for Bishop John McCormack, the Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester.
Bishop McCormack was ordained to the priesthood in 1960 and ordained to the episcopate in 1995. He has been the Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester since 1998.
Lord, guard and guide this successor of Your Apostles, help him to lead his flock, teaching them in Spirit and truth. May Mary, mother of all priests, watch over him in a special way, shelter him in her mantle, and draw him to her Son.
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by frival
on December 15, 2008
Today we pray for Rev. Maurice Lavigne and Rev. Andre Gagnon.
Fr. Lavigne was ordained in 1968 and is the pastor of St. Teresa’s Parish in Rye Beach.
Fr. Gagnon was ordained in 1957 and is the Chaplain for St. Francis Rehabilitation & Nursing Center in Laconia.
May they in their work in Your garden help You to reap a bountiful harvest, continually drawing new souls to You. May Mary take them by the hand and lead them to her Son.
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by frival
on December 15, 2008
Today we pray for all women and men Religious. In particular we pray for the orders serving throughout this Diocese, including the Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites, Daughters of Charity, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate.
Lord grant us an ever-growing number of answered vocations to the religious life, both active and contemplative. May they serve as a reminder to all of us that we must dedicate all of our lives to You. St. Bernard, pray for them! Mother Mary, watch over them, encourage them all and draw them ever closer to your Son.
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by frival
on December 12, 2008
Rocco and Fr. Z are both reporting Avery Cardinal Dulles SJ has passed on to his eternal reward today. Cdl. Dulles was a towering figure in the Church in America and indeed a powerful intellectual force in the Church the world over. His work and the impact of his personna will be studied for years to come. When the Pope makes a special trip just to visit someone you know that person is truly special. Heaven’s gain is our loss.
Let us all pray for the blessed repose of his soul in the bosom of Abraham, that he may enjoy the splendor of the beatific vision.
Requiem aeternam dona ei Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace.
Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per misericordiam Dei reqiescant in pace.
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by frival
on December 11, 2008
Today we pray for Rev. Roland Cote and Msgr. Anthony Frontiero.
Fr. Cote was ordained in 1971 and currently serves as the Resident Care Director for the Bishop Peterson Residence and as Chaplain for the Mt. Carmel Rehabilitation and Nursing Center both in Manchester.
Msgr. Frontiero was ordained in 1991 and is currently serving an assignment to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace at the Vatican. He also writes a monthly article for the Diocesan publication Parable.
Lord, guard them and guide them; lead them and encourage them; be in them and with them and through them do your great works. Mother Mary, stand with them and lead them, bringing them ever closer each and every day to your Son.
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by frival
on December 11, 2008
Mark Shea has given us a very well-written post on the issue of why the Church interacts and even tries at times to support the United Nations. Very often we forget just how ancient is the Church, and that it has seen empires greater than any now existent come and go and has had to deal with each of them in one way or another.
The Church, which antedates not just the nation/state but the Holy Roman Empire, keeps an eye on this and does what she’s always done: try to address whichever competent governmental authority men devise for themselves to try to keep order and preserve the Common Good. Doesn’t mean the Church thinks the UN is flawless any more than Paul thought Nero was a great guy. It just means that here, supremely, is an example of the Church trying to navigate the rocky waters of history and read the signs of the times.
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by frival
on December 10, 2008
Bishop McCormack has made a series of Pastoral Assignments. You can find the full listing here. We must pray fervently that there will soon be a great increase in the number of “adds” to these assignments. Lord of the Harvest, send laborers to Your fields!
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by frival
on December 10, 2008
Today we pray for Rev. Robert Boisvert and Rev. Wilfred Deschamps.
Fr. Boisvert was ordained in 1958 and is now retired.
Fr. Deschamps was ordained in 1990 and is currently pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Jaffrey.
May they find rest and enjoyment in all their endeavors, but most of all may they always find Christ as the source and end of everything they do; may their every day be spent winning souls to Christ. May Mary walk close to them and keep them on the path that leads to her Son.
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by admin
on December 10, 2008
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
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by frival
on December 9, 2008
I just discovered that 40 Days for Life will be hosting a teleconference and webcast at 9PM Eastern time tonight. Yes, that’s less than an hour from this posting time. If you can, please join us. This is the page you’re looking for.
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