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Bishop of the day 12/21

Today we pray for Bishop Francis Christian, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester.

Bishop Christian was ordained to the priesthood in 1968 and to the episcopate in 1996 as Auxiliary Bishop of Manchester, a position he holds to this day.

May this successor to the Apostles fulfill with strength and courage his call to help to shepherd the flock of this Diocese.  May Mary shelter him in her mantle, walk beside him and lead him ever closer to her Son.


Deacons of the day 12/20

Today we pray for Rev. Deacon Winton DeRosia and Rev. Deacon Joseph Polcari.

Deacon DeRosia was ordained in 2002 and serves St. Theresa’s Parish in Henniker and St. Mary’s Parish in Hillsborough.

Deacon Polcari was ordained in 1983 and is now retired.

Lord, guard and guide then in their service to your Church; make their hearts burn with love for You.  May Mary protect them and look upon them with loving kindness and draw them ever nearer her Son.


RCIA Notes on “Conversion and Salvation”

With the stipulated proviso that these are only rough notes and worth the price of free it’s costing to get them, I thought I’d post the talking points I collected for our RCIA class this past weekend on the topic of Conversion and Salvation.  If you can find something in them of use, I’d be pleased as punch.  (Can punch be “pleased” given that it’s inanimate?  Just asking.)  Again, they’re talking points, not something read verbatim – I’m not someone who reads from a script or teleprompter well.  That said, it’s all below the fold, if you’re interested.

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Whither this blog?

If you’ve followed this blog you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting nearly as much as I could or should lately.  To be honest I’ve been struggling trying to figure out just what exactly I want this blog to be – should it be purely “professional”, meaning no personal posts, should it be purely personal and be just my reflections on whatever is catching my eye at the moment, or should it be something else?

The answer, as near as I can tell, was given me in a post by the indubitable Fr. Z in a recent post when he quoted an ancient axiom, “in medio stat virtus” or “virtue stands in the middle”.  Strange that this reminder should have to come ad extra when it is something I find myself saying in various forms many times over the course of a week.  Jeff Vegihe at St. Peter Canisius Apostolate recently went through just this thought process as well and I owe him a debt of gratitude for his willingness to be upfront and open about it.  Knowing that someone who has already done so well has these same questions helped me to get past the first questioning and really be ready for the head knock delivered by the good Father.

I can’t promise there won’t be potholes in posting here and there, but I can say that I’ve come to realize the time for dithering is long since past.  Onward, upward, forward.


Priests of the day 12/19

Today we pray for Rev. Robert Tumwekwase AJ and Rv. John Bucchino OFM.

Fr. Tumwekwase AJ was ordained in 1988 and is a Tutor at and Chaplain for Magdalen College in Warner.

Fr. Bucchino was ordained in 1975 and is associate pastor at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Manchester.

May they be led by the Spirit and immersed in the Word, ever drawing more souls to Him who gave us everything we have.  May Mary watch over them and protect them and lead them to her Son.


Because we can use all the good news we can get

CNA tells us things are looking up a little in the New England area, at least at St. John’s Seminary:

Eighty-seven seminarians are now enrolled at the Archdiocese of Boston’s St. John’s Seminary, more than doubling the number of seminarians who were studying there just two years ago.

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley resisted calls to close the troubled archdiocese’s seminary, making its preservation a priority of his tenure, Michael Paulson writes in the Boston Globe. The cardinal has encouraged bishops from New England and elsewhere to send their seminarians to Boston to prepare for the priesthood.


Prayer of the day 12/18

Today we pray for all seminarians of the Diocese of Manchester.

The Diocese of Manchester currently has eight men in formation in various seminaries:

  • Rev. Mr. Christopher Martel
  • Rev. Mr. Matthew Mason
  • Mr. Jeffrey Pavegilio
  • Mr. Charles Powlowski
  • Mr. Kyle Stanton
  • Mr. Alan Tremblay
  • Mr. Matthew Vigneau
  • Rev. Mr. Jonathan White

Lord, guard and guide them in their studies and their service.  Lead them to an ever greater conformity to You that they may serve You and Your Church.  Mary, Mother of all priests, watch over them, shelter them in your mantle and lead them ever closer to your Son.


Priests of the day 12/17

Today we pray for Rev. Roger Bilodeau and Rev. Nicholas Rogers.

Fr. Bilodeau was ordained in 1965 and is now retired.

Fr. Rogers was ordained in 1955 and is pastor of St. John the Baptist’s Parish in Suncook.

May they always be guided by the Lord’s hand and may they always reach out to Him in all they do.  May Mary watch over them, take them by the hand and lead them to her Son.


Priests of the day 12/16

Today we pray for Very Rev. Richard Roberge VF and Rev. Francis Kelso.

Fr. Roberge was ordained in 1985 and is pastor of Good Shepherd Parish in Berlin and Holy Family Parish in Gorham.

Fr. Kelso was ordained in 1961 and is now retired.

May they keep Christ ever before them and see always Him in everyone they meet.  May His graces flow abundantly for them and through them to others.  May Mary guard and guide them, leading them to her Son.


Priests of the day 12/15

Today we pray for Rev. John Fleming and Rev. Patrick Irwin.

Fr. Fleming was ordained in 1996 and is pastor of the Parish of the Transfiguration in Manchester.

Fr. Irwin was ordained in 1959 and is now retired.

May everything they do and say have its source and and in Him in whose name they act, and may they continue to grow more and more conformed to Him.  May Mary walk with them, take them by the hand and draw them ever closer to her Son.