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Priests of the day 01/20

Today we pray for Rev. Dennis Broussard and Rev. John Finnigan.

I am unfortunately unable to find any information on Fr. Broussard – should you have any, please drop me a note in the combox.

Fr. Finnigan was ordained in 1961 and is a retired priest-in-residence at St. John the Baptist’s Parish in Suncook.

May their service to the Lord and His Church never be forgotten and only their be ever before the eyes of the Lord.  May they always be strengthened in their work in the Lord’s vineyard and through their work win souls to Christ.  May Mary look after them and keep them ever close to her and draw them ever closer to her Son.


Something to remember on this day

Today we in America watched a twofold spectacle unfold: the bloodless transfer of power from one President to the next and the inauguration of the first African American President.  There is, as always, much more to this story and much more yet to be told.  But let us not forget this:


Prayer of the day 01/19

Today we pray for all women and men religious.  In particular we pray for the orders serving throughout this Diocese, including the Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites, Daughters of Charity, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood and Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate.

Lord, bless their work in your field; grant them success in their endeavors and a deepening of their understanding of their vocational call.  Grant that they may be for us all an example of giving up everything to serve You.  May Mary hold them close, take them by the hand and lead them to You, her Son.


Bishop of the day 01/18

Tody we pray for Bishop Francis Christian, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester.

Bishop Christian was ordained to the priesthood in 1968 and to the episcopate in 1996 as Auxiliary Bishop of Manchester, a position he holds to this day.

May he fulfill his call as a successor of the apostles with a great zeal and help our Bishop to lead this flock on its path Home and draw new souls to Christ.  May Mary watch over him and protect him and lead him to her Son.


Contemplating the call

Tonight I’ve been going over the readings for tomorrow, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), and, since I’m the contrarian sort, was trying to think of something other than the expected theme.  Sometimes you run into readings and you can virtually guarantee what the homily will be because the theme is so singular and clear; I do not suggest this as a bad thing at all, but it does make the RCIA “breaking open the word” segment difficult.  The last thing I want to do is drag people out from Mass only to tell them all over again what the priest just said in his homily.

So … what do I expect to hear from these readings?  I expect we’ll hear something about how we’re all called by Christ and possibly even to notice that the disciples’ response was total and immediate.  That pretty much covers the Gospel.  So I went digging around and lo and behold this story, while appearing in all four Gospels, is told slightly differently.  In Matthew and Mark Jesus calls to Andrew and Peter from the shore and they respond; in John (from which this Sunday’s reading is taken) Andrew comes to find Simon and Jesus upon seeing him gives him the name Peter; in Luke, Jesus sets out in Simon’s boat and after a miraculous catch of fish Peter proclaims both that Jesus is Lord and that he, Simon, is a sinner.  I don’t think this is just an artifact of different writers and different audiences.  What is this telling us?

While I’m no Biblical scholar, here’s what I’m seeing:  God does, yes, call us – but He can call us in three different ways.  First, He can call us directly, as in Matthew and Mark – in our day, a pretty rare occurrence.  Second, He can call us through events, sometimes even miraculous events, in our lives, as in Luke – something much more common today I’d think.  Third, He can use someone else to call us to Him,  as in John – something probably about as common as the second form.  Then, of course, there are hybrids such as in the first reading from Samuel where God calls Samuel directly but it requires the (God-inspired) intervention of another person for that call to be recognized.

So what am I taking out of all of this?  Pay attention.  God may not call to me in the way I’m looking for or the way I’d prefer.  He may well be using someone else to pull me by the hand even while I’m standing there waiting for Him to come in glowing radiance.  Perhaps it is some event or series of events in my life through which He is nudging me in the right direction while I am waiting for someone to just say something.  God does His own thing in His own way, and we ought not to constrict Him to doing it our way in our time.

Finally, yes, we must respond and we must do it the way these disciples did – quickly and decisively.  We are told Peter left either his father and servants behind or, as in Luke, that he left everything behind.  Follow God; the rest will sort itself out later.

Oh, and one more thing.  Your call may be to call someone else.  Following the John’s telling, if Andrew had not called Peter things would have been incalculably different.  We have not just a right but a duty to let others know about Christ and His Church; if we love them we can do no less.


Priests of the day 01/17

Today we pray for Rev. Gerard Boucher and Rev. Peter Dumont.

Fr. Boucher was ordained in 1953 and is now retired.

Fr. Dumont was ordained in 1971 and is pastor of St. Paul’s Parish in Candia and St. Peter’s Parish in Auburn.

Lord, grant them many years of service in your vineyard; help them to serve You in all they do and open to others the glory of Your Gospel.  May Mary watch over them and shelter them and lead them to You, her Son.


Deacons of the day 01/16

Today we pray for Rev. Deacon Robert Gagnon and Rev. Deacon William Mullen.

Deacon Gagnon was ordained in 2002 and serves St. Joseph’s Parish in Dover.

Deacon Mullen was also ordained in 2002 and serves St. Anne’s Parish in Hampstead.

May they always follow the example of St. Stephen, Deacon and Protomartyr, in their wholehearted service of Christ and His Church.  May their ministries be fruitful and may they give of all they have and draw souls to Christ.  May Mary guard and support them and lead them to her Son.


Prayer of the day 01/15

Today we pray for all priests on leave.

Lord, may their time on leave be restful and restorative.  May their time away serve to strengthen them in their vocation as Your priest and help them to be more conformed to You.  May Mary comfort them and shelter them in her mantle and gently lead them to You, her Son.


On anger

One of the things I enjoy doing, particularly but not exclusively, with Scripture is to look at frequently referenced quotes in broader context.  So very often we learn much more about what the author or speaker meant and sometimes we even learn that what they meant was not how it is commonly understood.  As a part of my project to read through the Bible and the Catechism, and drag y’all along with me, I’d like to make this a regular feature of this blog.  With that intro, let’s begin with this nugget: [click to continue…]


Priests of the day 01/14

Today we pray for Rev. Roland Blais and Rev. Daniel Sinabaldi.

Fr. Blais was ordained in 1944 and is now retired.

Fr. Sinibaldi was ordained in 1996 and is pastor of St. Catherine of Siena’s Parish and St. Joseph’s Parish in Woodsville.

Lord, grant them many years in your pasture and that their labors may bear fruit.  May they grow each day in love for You and Your Church and may they always grow in conformity to You.  May Mary draw them ever closer to her Immaculate Heart and so to You, her Son.