by frival
on February 3, 2009
It’s a book that can rightfully claim the title of a “classic”. First written in 1958, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s Life of Christ is a walk through the events of, well, the life of Christ. It is classic Sheen – simultaneously erudite and approachable, orthodox without being overbearing.
One of the great beauties of this book is that it is unapologetic. By that I mean not that it does not defend the Catholic faith, but rather that it does so with the easy confidence so typical of Bishop Sheen. If the Bible says Jesus said something, he said it and we just move on; similarly if tradition says something happened a particular way it is simply stated and the story moves on. There is no dithering with possible alternate conclusions or attempting to psychoanalyze either Jesus or His companions. Surely there will be those who disagree with some element or another of his biblical scholarship (acknowledging that he relied heavily on the work of Scripture scholar Msgr. Myles Bourke) they cannot deny that his conclusions have a firm grounding in both academic study and tradition. The relief of reading this easy confidence is palpable when compared with much that passes for modern scripture scholarship which is too weighted down with, as Pope Benedict would say, the hermeneutic of suspicion rather than lifted up by the hermeneutic of trust. Bishop Sheen trusted the Bible and the Church, and it shows on every page.
The book is certainly not a single-sitting type, at least not for the average reader, weighing in at 658 pages. Yet the reading is generally light and the pace just quick enough to befit the greatest life ever lived. As I wrote above, Bishop Sheen never allows himself to get trapped in the theological minutiae of some part of Christ’s life and in a few cases will refer the reader to alternate books which treat a particular subject in greater detail.
Would I recommend this book? If you’re a Scripture scholar you may find it light reading and its lack of deference to modern scholarship off-putting, but then you also should have a certain deference to the traditions of reading the Bible which this book exemplifies. If you are an avid Communist or a great fan of Freudian psychoanalysis you may find many of his allusions to these ideologies grating, but then you should at the very least understand them so as to be able to address them or perhaps be changed by them. If you’re someone who loves the Bible and is willing to be led along by the hand in a walk through the Gospels, I’d recommend this book in a heartbeat. If you have the time, I’d go one step further and recommend you read this book back-to-back with Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth as they complement each other extraordinarily well. After reading this you may not read the Gospels quite the same way again.
Update: I meant to add this quote when I originally wrote the review. It’s typical of the rest of the book in that it is both insightful and counter-intuitive in that it turns our normal consideration of the Sermon on the Mount from an idyllic passive occurrence to one which was directly responsible for His death:
The Sermon on the Mount is so much at variance with all that our world holds dear that the world will crucify anyone who tries to live up to its values. Because Christ preached them, He had to die. Calvary was the price he paid for the Sermon on the Mount. Only mediocrity survives. Those who call black black, and white white, are sentenced for intolerance. Only the grays live.
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by frival
on February 2, 2009
The other day I was sitting in an office waiting, as were many of my co-workers, to find out whether or not we were still employed (thankfully all those I know directly still are although a good many were not so lucky) when a co-worker dropped in the office to chat away some of the time. Being the “horizontal organizer” that I am, I’d spread out my belongings across a good swath of the desk even though I was just borrowing it for the day. Some day I’ll figure out how to be organized. Honest.
As we chatted about mostly nothing he happened to notice the ribbon markers in my Liturgy of the Hours and asked if it was a Bible. Since most people that see a book with ribbon markers think it’s a Bible that didn’t surprise me. Now mind you, usually I’m the shy type and would respond to the question with a quick mumbled dismissal and then stuff the book in a bag to avoid the rest of the conversation. This time, for whatever reason, I explained what the book was, how the LotH works and its history. Come to find out he’s Russian Orthodox so we went looking to find out if the Orthodox have a complement to the LotH (answer: kind of, but not as universal as the LotH is in the Western Church). During all this we discussed morality, politics vis-a-vis religion, the intersection of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, the differences between the pontificates of Benedict XVI and John Paul II, ecumenism and other topics I’m quite sure I don’t even remember. And all this time I was quite sure that most of the people I worked with were, at best, disinterested agnostics. Fine judge of character I turned out to be.
So what’s the moral of the story? First, don’t assume you know people too well too quickly – it’s usually to your detriment as well as theirs. Second, there are more of us out there than we sometimes like to think – “us” being those who have a more-than-passing interest in the Christian Faith. Third, don’t be afraid to live your faith publicly – the people you’re afraid of offending might just be looking for someone to talk to and you might be their only chance. John Paul II was right when he started his pontificate with the fine words, “be not afraid!”
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by frival
on February 1, 2009
It’s not yet very dissimilar from my old home at but that will change soon. Please do be sure to update your feedreader with my new feedburner-based feed should you be using one.
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by frival
on January 25, 2009
While there are many out there who may not understand the rationale behind this move by our Holy Father, I can only say it is in the end a cause for great joy. Yes, there are still many issues on which there is much discussion still to be had, but when other un-orthodox “luminaries” remain in communion with the Church it is only appropriate that those discussions happen within the comunion of the Church. For my part, let me only ask that those with concerns remember that this is not a statement that any and all of the various positions held by each and every member of SSPX (which is far from a homogenous group, it should be recalled) are fully orthodox.
For now, offer up several prayers for the success of this move by the Pope. And check out the commentaries available particularly at Fr. Z’s.
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by frival
on January 25, 2009
Today we pray for Bishop Odore Gendron, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Manchester.
He was ordained to the priesthood in 1947 and ordained to the episcopate in 1975. He retired as Bishop of the Diocese in 1990.
May he use his role and gifts as successor of the Apostles to assist fellow members of the Body of Christ and to draw new men and women to the Lord. May Mary care for him, take him by the hand and lead him to her Son.
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by frival
on January 24, 2009
Today we pray for Rev. Deacon Frank Gallinaro and Rev. Deacon John Morrow.
Deacon Gallinaro was ordained in 1983 and serves Sacred Heart Parish and Ste. Marie’s Parish in Manchester.
Deacon Morrow was ordained in 1994 and serves Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Concord.
May they always take their example from St. Stephen, Deacon and Protomartyr. May they give all they have and are in service to the Church and their fellow men. May Mary watch over them and lead them to her Son.
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by frival
on January 23, 2009
Today we pray for Rev. Robert Gorski and Rev. Maurice Lacroix.
Fr. Gorski was ordained in 1980 and is pastor of St. Pius X’s Parish in Manchester.
Fr. Lacroix was ordained in 1954 and is currently retired.
May they find new ways to show forth Your image, Lord, and may they be true stewards and strong shepherds in your field. May Mary watch over them and guard them and guide them to You, her Son.
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by frival
on January 22, 2009
Today we pray for Rev. Daniel Deveau and Rev Robert Glasgow.
Fr. Deveau was ordained in 1975 and is pastor of St. Marguerite d’Youville’s Parish in Groveton.
Fr. Glasgow was ordained in 1985 and is currently serving as a military chaplain.
Lord watch over their work and guide them in all they do; make them fruitful in their labors and help them to draw new souls to You. May Mary care for them, take them by the hand and lead them to You, her Son.
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by frival
on January 21, 2009
Today we pray for Rev. Norman Comtois OMI and Rev. John Sledziona CM.
Fr. Comtois is the Spiritual Director and Pastoral Counselor at the Berakah Center in Pittsfield.
Fr. Sledziona was ordained in 1970 and serves as the Directory of Clergy Formation at Sacred Heart Parish in Concord.
May their ministries be founded and centered on and directed to Christ who redeems us; may they find themselves each day more conformed to Him and may they draw souls to the only One who is Truth. May Mary watch over them and protect them and lead them to her Son.
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by frival
on January 21, 2009
I was going to write this long, winding post all about the saint whose feast we celebrate today, St. Agnes. But then I read Fr. Z’s post and he pretty much covered everything you could want to know. A couple of other links that could be of interest:
In this day and age when so many have lost grasp of the beauty and value of virginity – indeed, sexual purity in any form – she is a saint the world definitely needs. May we learn from her example how to love the Lord completely and not be drawn from Him by anyone. St. Agnes, ora pro nobis!
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