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I’m back. And this time I mean it.

Yes, this blog has been silent for the past few weeks.  And yes, I’m back.  I’ve been using the past couple of weeks to really think out what I want this blog to be and why I’m doing it in the first place.  A little introspection, if you will.

See, I’ll never be as voluminous as Mark Shea, nor as incisive as Dale Price, I don’t have the contacts of a Thomas Peters or a Rocco Palmo, and I certainly don’t have the unique commingling of those all that comes in a person like Fr. Z.  So why, then, even bother doing this?  Doing something at which I am not among the best has never been something I’ve found easy or enjoyable to do.  My father always says, “if you’re going to do something, do it right or don’t do it at all” (no, Dad is not an English major).

But then it finally dawned on me over this little siesta that I’ve been on that doing something right doesn’t have to mean being the best at it, it means doing the right thing, at the right time and for the right reasons.  I’ll probably never be making 20 posts a day or counting my daily hits in the thousands, but if I sit here in my corner because of those facts I’m wasting whatever talents God has seen it to grant me.

So yeah, I’m back.  I want to go back to why I started this in the first place.  To, as St. Dominic did, reach those who have abandoned the Church and those who have not yet found Her and to speak from the wellspring of truth that is the Tradition of the Church to those who hate what they think She is that they might come to know and love Her.  It’s a tall task, but setting too-easy goals never moved mountains.

And yes, if you’re curious, it’s a new theme.  It’s kind of like how when some people change relationships they change their haircut.  Yes, call this a new blog haircut.  Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?


How I’ll be spending the day today

Through the wonders of modern technology, I’m writing this from the gymnasium of St. Joseph the Worker’s Parish in Nashua. I’m sitting here waiting for some presentations on Fatima to begin. If you’re in the area you really should stop by! Among the presenters will be Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR, a co-worker in the vineyard of Fr. Benedict Groeschel. It should prove to be a great and glorious day! To Jesus through Mary!


A cause for celebration

Two priests very well known across St. Blog’s share a common celebration today.  I’m not going to give anything more away than that and to say ad multos annos!


Yet another reason

The Church is slowly catching on to how to use the new media as a way of evangelizing this generation of always-online youth.  This video is just another example of that.  And how very, very true is the message contained inside.

H/T to Adam’s Ale.

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Obama and Notre Dame

It’s the hot topic on the Catholic blogs right now.  The “conservative” Catholics are railing against the travesty of it all, the “progressive” Catholics are cheering about dialog and engagement.  And to the surprise and chagrin of both, most Catholics have no idea or at best only a vague idea anything interesting even happened.  I’m not about to go into the gory details of what happened as it’s pretty late and that information is available in so many different places it’s wrapped back around to being funny again.

I just wanted to take a few minutes to ruminate on the speech President Obama gave at the Commencement ceremony at Notre Dame.  It was, as should by now be expected, a speech which could be given easily and fluidly, one which touched on the controversy but never engaged it.  Wistful remembrances of days past and fond memories of earnest beginnings punctuated by the jagged edge of thinly veiled political references, it could have been given almost anywhere.  It was, to borrow a phrase, memorable but forgotten the moment you walk out the door.

It was precisely this uninterestingness (and yes, the spell-checker flagged the new word I just created) that interested me.  It is, to me, the key to unlocking the core construct of this speech and, in the end, explains what President Obama was hoping to gain here.  (For the uninitiated among us, at the political level of the Presidency nothing is done without aiming for political gain; that’s not cynicism, it’s understanding that there are too many people paid too much money to allow opportunities like this one to go to waste.)

If we want to zero in on the abortion section of the speech (which, naturally, we do, because we’re single-issue voters you know) a very simple dynamic can be found.  There is an invitation to speak with “open hearts” and “open minds” and “fair-minded words”.  This sounds utterly unpretentious and thoroughly agreeable to anyone not looking to start a fist fight, verbal or otherwise.  Also embedded in this section is the admission that “the views of the two camps are irreconcilable”.  Already you can perceive a disconnect.  He is, in effect if not in direct statement, saying that debate and discussion are fine and laudable – as long as nobody expects anyone else to change his or her mind.  “Please, argue all you like, but do use good table manners.”

A debate where one side winning is not allowed is not a debate at all, it is two groups talking at each other and neither listening.  And that is precisely what the President is calling for here.  But what is to be gained by both groups talking past each other?  The answer as I can perceive it is twofold.

First, by appearing to desire discussion and debate about the issue the President can be perceived as being above the fray, undirtied by the mud being flung by both sides.  He can lightly chide either group and be praised for leading the discussion without actually taking part in it.  That’s the political version of having your cake and eating it too.

Second, and rather worse, is this:  the longer the status quo remains the more “settled” the question can be made to appear.  Instead of being the white-hot issue it currently is, an ongoing “civilized” discussion slowly robs the issue of oxygen and moves it off of the radar screens of people already overloaded with other concerns.  Further to the point, when you control the levers of power, as the President does and particularly so with both the House and Senate comfortably in his corner, maintaining the status quo generates the same effect as winning the debate because you controls all the movable pieces.  You can make small, incremental changes over time and as long as the debate rolls on nobody will notice.  It is the same effect as the frog in the pot of water – heat it too fast and the frog jumps out, but heat it up slowly without otherwise scaring the frog and it’ll boil without even knowing it.  This is the tactic which enabled dissenting theologians to run amok in the Church for decades –  call for dialog and slow contemplation of the issues at hand all the while turning the dial further and further.

All this is not to say that I am against civil debate nor even that I’m against acknowledging that there are those whose minds will never change on the topic of abortion.  To acknowledge someone will never change their mind is one thing.  To say they are right because of that is entirely another.  When Pope Benedict (then Cardinal Ratzinger) warned of a “dictatorship of relativism” it was precisely this type of issue he was confronting.  Let me make a point and see how much trouble I get in:  diversity of opinion is not a laudable goal, only a recognition of an unfortunate fact.

How can I call it unfortunate?  Jesus tells us “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.”  Notice he used the singular form of each of those words – “the Truth“.  What is truth in this world?  That which is most closely conformed to God.  Jesus did not say “I am the Way and the Truths and the Life”, did not suggest pluralism as a goal in and of itself.  There is but one Truth, one goal, one End and all ought rightly to be conformed to that end.  To ask for debate without conclusion is to suggest the End no longer matters, that the debate is more important than the conclusion.  That, indeed, man’s ways are more important than God’s Way.  Let us, indeed, have debate.  But let it be spirited, hard and honest, and let us wrench from it whatever truths each side brings, that from those truths we might be able to better find our way to the Truth.


Angels and Demons

Yep, Dan Brown is at it again, writing books to make himself money without worrying about verifying anything in them.  His latest is Angels and Demons, and Fr. Robert Baron has a very even-keeled review of the book:

H/T to Servant and Steward.


Some local links

I know I’ve been away a lot lately, mea culpa.  Life intervenes sometimes, particularly when it involves ripping up carpet and swinging a hammer.  And yes, the dog decided to walk into the freshly painted wall.  Not the brightest bulb on the tree, that one – loving and loyal, but he’s not the Einstein of the dog world.

But on the subject of the topic of this post, first I wanted to make mention of the fact my Diocese is celebrating her 125th anniversary this year.  The Diocesan web site will have a running series on the history of the Diocese including artwork, stories and multimedia clips.  The entry point for this series is here.  I can’t let this go without saying that I could only wish the Cathedral looked more like it did at its consecration than it does now.  I suppose some would call that nostalgia…

Second, it pains me to have to say the New Hampshire House and Senate have pushed through legislation attempting to legalize same-sex “marriage” in this state.  While there is no hue and cry for this move the legislature has seen fit to invent rights in a state reeling with many other issues.  Perhaps they believe we are too distracted to fight the issue.  Bishop McCormack released the below statement concerning this issue.  We can only hope and pray that the Governor sticks to his campaign promises and vetoes this legislation.  If you’re a New Hampshire resident, please contact the Governor’s office and ask him, politely and with all due dignity, to veto this legislation.  St. Joseph, patron of this Diocese and head of the Holy Family while on earth, pray for us!  Mother Mary, Immaculate One, pray for us!

(MANCHESTER, NH)  We believe that we should be doing all we can as a society to support and protect marriage, which is a union of a man and woman and has been throughout history.

We further believe that trying to redefine marriage on the run, with the slimmest of legislative margins and without a robust investigation into all possible conflicts between same sex marriage legislation and religious liberties is contrary to the spirit of New Hampshire.  Quite simply, if this legislation is allowed to become law there will be many unintended consequences that will undoubtedly lead to unnecessary confusion, litigation and denial of rights to many people in our state.

When a change of this momentous scope is proposed and there is not adequate time to not only look at all the implications of it, but also not to hear in depth from the people whom it will affect, then there are going to be serious problems.  Short of preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman, there must be adequate protections for churches, but also for individuals who have a genuine conscientious objection to participating in or assisting ceremonies of same sex couples.

We urge Governor Lynch to veto this legislation, if for no other reason than it leaves too many unanswered questions regarding protections for religious organizations and persons of conscience.

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Book review: Prayers for Catholic Men

But first, a little story.  You know how it goes when you’re a kid – when you see a big box you assume “cool gift” and when you see something tiny you assume “oh brother, silly trinket”.  One year my grandmother (yeah, the Irish Catholic one) decided to teach me a little lesson.  As we were ripping through our gifts on Christmas I came across a decidedly small box to me from my grandparents.  Now, while they didn’t always have a lot of money my grandmother knew what we kids wanted and always seemed to come up with something that would induce a shriek of glee.  I’m quite sure a look that was a cross between dejected and quizzical came across my face at the sight of this tiny box because she piped right up, “go ahead and open it dear, sometimes good things come in small packages.”  It may be hard to believe but I don’t think I’d ever heard that term before.  So, grudgingly I opened the box.  A wallet.  Yay.  Just what every 9 year old is dreaming of.  Not to be stopped she quietly chided me, “keep going, you never know what you’ll find if you don’t look.”  Picture holder – check.  Slit for change – check.  Slit for cash – check.  Cash – che …  Yep, she’d slipped cash into the wallet that I was about to let get lost in the wrapping paper.  I don’t remember how much money was in there, but to this day I recall the lesson she taught me.  Sometimes though I have to be reminded.

When I opened the box containing Prayers for Catholic Men I have to admit my heart sunk a bit.  I had been expecting something much larger – a real beefy book I could get my hands around that could help me straighten out some of the crooked parts of my spiritual life.  At about 3″x4″ and only 96 pages long this wasn’t what I was expecting.  Sometimes I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree.  While it’s small this book is packed with prayers for men young and old, single, married, divorced and widowed.  There is something in here for just about everyone from the age of about ten on up.

It isn’t just a collection of prayers though, there are some very insightful reflections interspersed throughout the book.  Some of these reflections I wish I had read when I was younger as they could have helped me to avoid some very stupid decisions.  The brilliance in this book being so small is there is no reason for you to not bring it with you everywhere – home, work, anywhere.  Inside this little cover is  a pack of power enough to move the mountains of a sluggish culture.  It is a reminder that prayer – that faith – does not need to be long and ornate to be effective, it just needs to be honest and from the heart.

Even if you, like me, have shelves full of books this is one with which you won’t go wrong.  But do me a favor – don’t put it on your shelf.  Put it in your pocket or your briefcase or your bag.  Put it to work, and let this little dynamo move your soul closer to God.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Prayers for Catholic Men.

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Better late than never…

We’ve been rather busy around the homestead lately, so forgive my tardiness in posting the Holy Father’s prayer intentions for the month of May:

Pope Benedict’s general prayer intention for May is: “That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations”.

His mission intention is: “That the recently founded Catholic Churches, grateful to the Lord for the gift of faith, may be ready to share in the universal mission of the Church, offering their availability to preach the Gospel throughout the world”.



Armchair theologian, eh?

In honor of my being named among the contestants for the Best Armchair Theologian blog in The Crescat’s 2009 Cannonball Awards, I offer you this little ditty.  And hey, when the voting starts, don’t feel bad about voting for me at least once, okay? 🙂  The fact I was even nominated is both humbling and a clear sign someone slipped something funny into Crescat’s box-o-wine.

I’m going to say it once more:  if you’re not praying at least some part of the Liturgy of the Hours (or the Breviarium Romanum for those traditionally inclined) you have simply no idea what you’re missing.  Sometimes it’s not just that you are steeped in the fine sauce of the psalms nor even that you are participating in the Liturgy of the Church that gets you, it’s the very structure of the prayer itself.  During the Office of Readings this past Friday we started off with this pleasant section of Psalm 38:

O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger;

do not punish me, Lord, in your rage.

Your arrows have sunk deep in me;

your hand has come down upon me.

Through your anger all my body is sick:

through my sin, there is no health in my limbs.

My guilt towers higher than my head;

it is a weight too heavy to bear.

Now if that uplifting remembrance isn’t enough to make you want to start praying the LoTH, here’s something to chew on.  By its structure we follow the above Psalm section with:

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.


When you start to see how the one can be followed by the other, despite their apparent incongruity, you’re starting to think more like God and less like Man.  Just as the crowning achievement of Jesus’ time on earth started with His trip to Golgotha we’re reminded in myriad ways that what at first looks like failure is only the first step to success.  Every day we must be reminded that His ways are not our ways.