Scattering and gathering; in the covenant relationship between God and mankind God seems to have an inexhaustible ability to gather what man scatters. True, at times it is God who scatters his people but even then it is for their ultimate redemptive good because he cannot break his word, his covenant.
From the time of man’s first rebellion and throughout salvation history the covenant is never broken by God and only ever reaffirmed through divine revelation and ultimately revealed and fulfilled in the coming of the God-man, the Christ.
It’s humbling even convicting to know this,
Even when he disobeyed you and lost your friendship you did not abandon him to the power of death. . . Again and again you offered a covenant to man, [CCC#55]
and at the same time it is freeing and life giving.
For the Catechism Project, this is your Artist + Illustrator + Occasional Catechist, owenswain of & Cross-posted here.