Thanks to cuaguy for posting this on plurk a few days ago.
“Tonight we call them beloved heroes”
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Thanks to cuaguy for posting this on plurk a few days ago.
Next post: We don’t like Catholic-lite
Previous post: Allen: “It’s the Evangelicals, stupid!”
Yes, a wasted ontprtupioy. I was looking forward to hearing the Cardinal speak. However, what PEEP did not realise is that you cannot drag a cardinal into internal divisions. I have great admiration for PEEP in its efforts to keep the flame of real Catholicism alive. They are not content to sit on their hands and moan.But in this case its pre-conference literature was OTT. It virtually forced the Cardinal to take sides by affirming its public criticism of the E&W hierarchy. This he could not do, especially in a nation over which he has no direct jurisdiction. Enthusiasm and fervour needs to be tempered with a certain diplomatic nous. The opposition achieved this with a targeted campaign, possibly via south London. And one can make an educated guess as to which group was behind it, backed by a second front in Rome, no doubt.The recent history of orthodox cardinals having their visits blocked by technicalities should have been at the forefront of the minds of PEEP and the waspish response to the Cardinal’s withdrawal does it no favours. There is a time to keep silent. The best one can do, I suppose, is to go to the conference or send a donation to help them out.