Matthew Warner has a post that anyone who cares about evangelizing in this modern world has to read. The numbers are stark and sobering. Particularly for someone whose parish scores very low on the social networking scale.
Another must-read
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3:12 pm……..Not ALL on their own, most are in the pockets of the Bishops. I was at the first Pro Ecclesia mteeing back in 1982 where at the very mention of a certain French Archbishops name the roof was raised by a great roar of approval. The UK bishops take a different line from the French Archbishop….that’s why the church here is dead. And that’s why the vast majority of catholic laity are dead to the faith as well.The rest of us are quite used to living our faith with weak, mealy mouthed bishops who get nothing right and their cheerleaders amongst the brain dead laity, who are easy to spot covered in Bene Merenti medals and the like. Let them keep their baubles….I’ll keep the faith, along with hundreds of others.