It’s an old saying in baseball – “hit it where it’s pitched”. It means that a batter shouldn’t try to force things based on what he wants to do but should take the pitch that comes and do what’s best for the team. Oakland A’s prospect Grant Desme is taking that adage and applying it not just at the plate but in life:
Regardless, today is the day: As first reported by, the 23-year-old star prospect has informed the A’s that he will retire and become a priest.
“I’m doing well in baseball,” Desme told reporters on Friday, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “But I had to get down to the bottom of things, to what was good in my life, what I wanted to do with my life. Baseball is a good thing, but that felt selfish of me when I felt that God was calling me more. It took awhile to trust that and open up to it and aim full steam toward him. I love the game, but I’m going to aspire to higher things.”
Now we all know that the road to the priesthood is a long one, and not everyone who goes to seminary comes out as a priest, but to come this far and turn away from a potential career in Major League Baseball to answer God’s call says much. From the rest of the article this young man already is truly living his faith, and that in a career that all to often lends itself to terrible moral challenges. As with anyone willing to pursue the priesthood, my prayers go with him.