(Editor’s note: You have no idea how embarassed I am right now. All month I’ve been reading the wrong side of the prayer calendar, which was for Dec. 2004. How that got into a PDF for Oct. 2008 I have no idea – the pains of double-sided printing, I guess. Mea culpa. I’ll be picking up with the right list from here on out.)
Today we pray for Rev. Deacon Arnold Gustafson and Rev. Deacon Dennis Jacobs.
Deacon Gustafson was ordained in 2002 and serves Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Margaret Mary’s Parish, St. Bernard’s Parish and Mary Queen of Peach Parish, all in Keene. He is also the Director of the Office for the Permanent Diaconate.
Deacon Jacobs was ordained in 2002 and serves Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish in Hampton.
May they find ever new inspiration in their vocation to service. May St. Stephen intercede for them and lead them, through Mary our Mother, to an ever-increasing love of the Lord and His Church.