This is my one and hopefully only post on the P.Z. Myers issue. To start, let me second what Jimmy Akin wrote: Myers must be fired, not purely because of what he did but because he has compromised his ability to act as an educator and particularly one at a public institution. Perhaps I’m just being credulous, but I find it highly interesting that just as I clicked on this story on the TV Mother Angelica‘s nuns started to pray the Rosary.
Next, let me also second what Jeff at the recently-mentioned St. Peter Canisius Apostolate had to say. In fact, let me quote him:
So beginning next Friday, August 1, let us all join in prayer for the conversion of PZ Myers every day, until Sunday, August 31. Let us pray Rosaries for his conversion, offer up the Mass for his conversion, engage in abstinence and fasting for his conversion, and spend time in Adoration for his conversion.
Let us remember, in this Year of St. Paul, to ask the special intercession of St. Paul who started toward his great conversion by attacking the Church.
Finally, while contemplating this whole issue, let us do it with this image from The Crescat firmly in our minds. Nothing more need be said.