As just a quick hit before life gets any busier today, the Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Patrick’s yesterday made the newspapers before it even happened. I only hope they are good enough to cover how well it went after the fact, and how well attended it was. The Nashua Telegraph coverage is here, and the (Manchester) Union Leader coverage is here.
If you read the comments in the Union Leader piece, you will see how little people still understand what is going on, from little details like whether Bishop McCormack “allowed” the Mass to whether it is a sign of a “regression” or “progression” in the Church. One person even took the opportunity to take a whack at the Bishop and call for his resignation (again). Funny, but I didn’t think doing what the Pope calls for was a firing offense. Silly me. Thankfully they left their politics and, apparently, themselves at home and allowed several hundred of us to worship God in the form of the ages. It is now up to the rest of us to take up the Great Commission and respond to the call of ite missa est with the only answer appropriate: Deo gratias!