Fr. Z has been good enough to post the homily he gave at the Sept. 14 Extraordinary Form Mass in Blackfen (better known to most of us as the home of The Hermeneutic of Continuity‘s Fr. Tim Finigan). It is a good summary of exactly why so many have so long considered the Extraordinary Form so important for the good of the future of the Church. One would have expected nothing less from Fr. Z. If one were to summarize it in one sentence, something to say to someone who does not understand the draw of the Exraordinary Form, it would have to be in this:
The soul grows in faith, hope and charity only in contact with a reality so far beyond itself, so transcendent, that it cannot be grasped or controlled.
That, in short is what has been so long sought after. We can only hope that the Spirit use this opportunity to restore that needed transcendence to all celebrations of Holy Mass, and soon.