Two updates on the state of the Extraordinary Form Mass in the Diocese of Manchester. First, commenter pazdziernik tells us the next EF Mass at St. Patrick’s in Nashua will be this coming Sunday at 2PM.
Second, over at Corpus et Sanguis, commenter Dianne-Marie tells us Fr. Kelly’s current schedule is for High Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4PM and Low Mass on the Fourth Sunday of each month at 2PM provided other parish-related issues do not intervene. This is certainly a most generous response. When you look at Fr. Kelly’s sacramental schedule, however, you’re not entirely surprised: he has regularly scheduled confessions seven days a week – weekdays before the 12:05 Mass, Saturday before the 4:00 Mass and before each Mass on Sunday. There are many parishes that could learn a lesson from that schedule.
If anyone has heard of any other Extraordinary Form Masses in NH other than those at St. Patrick’s in Nashua and Immaculate Conception in Portsmouth, please let me know in the combox. If there is enough support perhaps the Bishop will be encouraged to search out even more ways to accommodate this tradition. Maybe even a Mass in the Cathedral some day. Hope springs eternal.