It’s been a whirlwind around here the past several days. First, both kids started soccer (different teams and practice times, of course). Then work has been unbelievably busy the past few weeks. The good reason for my blogging absence though was that I spent Friday night and all day Saturday listening to Father John Corapi, SOLT in his last live appearance for the near future and in prayer to and worship of our Lord and God. Marian Community sponsored this event at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium and I must say everyone in attendance is indebted to them.
Fr. Corapi presented his latest series, Easy Prayer for Hard Times in his usual electric style. There are some, for sure, who don’t like his hard-charging attitude and unequivocal orthodoxy – they were not in attendance.
If I were to quibble about anything it would be the frequently distracting highly charismatic music and reactions thereto. It’s a personal thing, but there is only so much music from the 1970s I can stand, and only so many times I want to see people waving their hands and swaying as if at a Barry Manilow concert. But hey, these same people were clearly very interested and involved in their faith and from what I could tell deeply orthodox so it stays as nothing more than a quibble.
To put the positives of the conference in a single point, I need only say that I have never seen so many scapulars in any place in my life. Even if it were not for any of the other positives, just spending time with so many people who were willing to openly display their religion was truly edifying. Each day started with praying the Rosary, followed with conference sessions and concluded with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction; Saturday night we had an anticipatory Mass for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. It was in no uncertain terms Catholic through and through.
I had always wondered how I would react to a Catholic conference such as this, having not attended one previously. After this I can only say that I am looking forward to many more such experiences, including the Boston Catholic Men’s Conference. The batteries have been recharged, the engine tuned – forward we go.
Update: It turns out Robert Going was there as well and has posted his reflections. As he said, “a good bunch of good people”.
Hi: Do you remember the name of the young priest that said the Mass and spoke about “being not afraid.” He was mentioned as being the youngest priest in the Archdiocese of Boston at the time. What was his name?
Thank you,
Debbie Papalia