Yesterday the New Hampshire Union Leader had this story (emphasis mine):
Attorney General Kelly Ayotte and Assistant Attorney General Will Delker will speak on the state audit of the Diocese of Manchester’s sexual abuse policy Thursday, May 24, at Millette Manor, directly behind St. Louis de Gonzague/St. Aloysius Church, 48 West Hollis St. Nashua.
The talk, sponsored by the Greater Nashua affiliate of Voice of the Faithful, will take place, at 7PM
Ayotte and Delker will review the diocese’s actions to fulfill its obligation to cooperate with the state in establishing effective child protection policies and procedures. The second annual audit was released earlier this month, in the midst of tensions between the state and the church that could end up in court.
Yes, that wonderfully Church-friendly and ever-helpful VoTF. The same one you can get excommunicated for being a member of in some dioceses. If the AG intends to use this to show how impartial the audit was, chumming it up with VoTF is not exactly the best way to do it. And people wonder why I cast a suspicious eye towards this AG and these audits…