Denise is right – “only prayer seems to make sense right now“. It is eerie timing that our RCIA schedule this past weekend had us discussing, of all things, suffering. And now this. I find it harshly ironic that I spent the better part of an hour only 48 hours ago explaining the fact that suffering doesn’t have to make sense to us now just because we’re suffering now – that some day God’s plan will be laid out for us and His loving intention will be clear. Perhaps the only thing that helps now is the reminder that the seemingly worst result of suffering in this world, our bodily death, is actually the beginning of our true end and goal, to come to know and love God in Heaven. As Denise said, all we can do now is pray, for those killed, for those injured, and for those affected in any way. And as Christians, we must also pray for the shooter – I have no idea what could cause someone to perform such acts…
And while on the topic of suffering, also keep in mind those affected by the flooding here in New England. Local residents in towns like Goffstown and New Boston have been the hardest hit in our immediate area, but even in the hillier sections I’ve seen hoses flushing water out of basements. Some people are stuck and can’t even get to their homes. What a week already…