From CWN:
Vatican, Apr. 24, 2007 ( – The Vatican has released the message by Pope Benedict XVI (bio – news) for the 44th World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
The World Day of Prayer will be observed on April 29. The Pope’s message, dated February 10, was released on April 24. The full text of the message– which was released simultaneously in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish as well as Italian– is available on the Vatican web site.
In his message the Holy Father observes that “God has always chosen some individuals to work with Him in a more direct way, in order to accomplish His plan of salvation.” To encourage vocations, he says, the Church must foster a proper understanding of “the mystery of the Church as communion.” He explains that “whoever lives in an ecclesial community that is harmonious, co-responsible and conscientious, certainly learns more easily to discern the call of the Lord.”
To care for vocations, the Pope continued, the Church must give the faithful “a constant education for listening to the voice of God.” Such listening, he added, “can only take place in a climate of intimate communion with God which is realized principally in prayer.”
Do read the above-referenced full text as well, where you’ll find further gems like this:
The care of vocations, therefore, demands a constant “education” for listening to the voice of God. This is what Eli did, when he helped the young Samuel to understand what God was asking of him and to put it immediately into action (cf. 1 Sam 3: 9). Now, docile and faithful listening can only take place in a climate of intimate communion with God which is realized principally in prayer.
Prayer is, indeed, a powerful weapon. In this world, in this time, when we so often find ourselves hurried beyond our means, I believe God will take special notice of those who give out of their poverty (of time, in this case) to pray for the needs of the Church. As I told someone yesterday, this is not a problem we can solve with money but only with our selves. Pray the Lord of the harvest…