From CWN:
Chicago, Apr. 9, 2007 ( – Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George was released from a local hospital on Easter Sunday after suffering a fractured hip in an accident during a Holy Saturday service.
Cardinal George slipped and fell while he was blessing food baskets scheduled for Easter delivery by the members of St. Ferdinand’s parish in Chicago’s northwest. Participants in the service said that after sprinkling holy water, the cardinal evidently slipped on the wet marble floor.
The cardinal continued the service, despite obvious pain, and celebrated Mass at St. Ferninand’s before checking into a hospital where he was diagnosed with a fractured hip. He remained there overnight, missing Easter Mass at the cathedral, but returned to his residence later in the day.
Cardinal George, who suffers from poor balance as the result of a childhood bout with polio, commented that the accident was not unusual, since he falls down several times a year.
One does have that sneaking suspicion of a demonic hand giving him a little “help” in that slip. I say that with only the slightest hint of tongue-in-cheek. Cardinal George is a towering figure in the Church in America and I’m sure the Enemy would relish any opportunity to put him out of commission for even a single day.