Via this story at Ignatius Insight I found the Hans Urs von Balthasar Reading Group. They are attempting to read the famous Trilogy by von Balthasar, starting with Seeing the Form. If you only know of von Balthasar from the (relatively) well-chronicled discussion between Alyssa Pitstick and Fr. Edward Oakes via First Things regarding von Balthasar’s view on Christ’s descent to hell, this might be a good way to expand your knowledge of the theology of a man repeatedly referred to by Pope Benedict in his writings.
I signed up yesterday and I can only hope to catch up and maybe even understand some of this with all their help. From what I have seen the membership ranges from people with doctoral degrees to people with no formal training in theology and in the notes I’ve read thus far I’ve found a great deal of willingness to help those who will be slower starters. Perhaps something to start as your Lenten reading if you haven’t found something yet?